Thursday, August 31, 2006

It was a bit cooler here yesterday. A light rain was falling so after a couple of ours I decided to go for a ride. A solid 45 minute climb up Svoboda road to the Logjam trailhead, down Logjam to Svoboda Traverse down Short Svoboda to Squeeler and back to Svoboda road. I carried on to the BNR rails to trails and rode towards Ymir for about 10 km's before I returned home.

The rain had wet the trail so it was sticky sweet. Champagne single track.

Check out Alan Danks website Roots, Rocks and Flow for video of these trails at Alan and the other riders (and Piper the dog) have done a fantastic job of creating a video travelogue of most of the rides in Nelson.

Tommorrow I run north on the BNR trail up paper bag and back down Svoboda road. If you want to come send me a e-mail.....
For many years I rode and swam and ran with an irascible character named Rob Leviton. For thousands of miles I had followed his wheel on the trails, road and track. We spent countless hours chatting on long runs often in intolerable conditions very often with him gently urging me on. Quiet in demeanor and shunning the limelight Rob quietly helped all of his friends achieve athletic goals

I could talk about his athletic prowess and the countless Ironman races and provincial team places, the Comrades and the Ultra’s but that would only be one part of who he was.

If you needed help Rob was there. If someone needed a little encouragement, Rob was there. If the Red Cross needed blood Rob was there. Always with a wry grin on his face and a dry attempt at humor. That was the best part of him. You knew he cared about you. Not the talking caring….the doing caring. The caring when it’s inconvenient. That’s why we all loved him.

Rob passed away a little more than a year ago from cancer. Rob’s illness was like the rest of him, fast and to the point he was diagnosed in February and passed away in May.
During next Sunday’s IMC race I will be thinking of that tough little bugger and missing him. Proud to be his friend.

Toast to Rob

Here’s to the miles that passed under our feet
And here’s to our laughter and here’s to our tears
Here’s to the love in our homes and in our hearts
And here’s to our wives and here’s to our children
Here’s to our brothers and here’s to our sisters

Here’s to the early morning rides
And here’s to the cool evening swims
Here’s to the hills and to the flats
And here’s to the smooth paved roads
Here’s to the mountain trails

Here’s to your smile
And here’s to your passion
Here’s to your courage
And here’s to your laugh
Here’s to you for the very last time from all of us.
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