It was a bit cooler here yesterday. A light rain was falling so after a couple of ours I decided to go for a ride. A solid 45 minute climb up Svoboda road to the Logjam trailhead, down Logjam to Svoboda Traverse down Short Svoboda to Squeeler and back to Svoboda road. I carried on to the BNR rails to trails and rode towards Ymir for about 10 km's before I returned home.
The rain had wet the trail so it was sticky sweet. Champagne single track.
Check out Alan Danks website Roots, Rocks and Flow for video of these trails at Alan and the other riders (and Piper the dog) have done a fantastic job of creating a video travelogue of most of the rides in Nelson.

Tommorrow I run north on the BNR trail up paper bag and back down Svoboda road. If you want to come send me a e-mail.....
The rain had wet the trail so it was sticky sweet. Champagne single track.
Check out Alan Danks website Roots, Rocks and Flow for video of these trails at Alan and the other riders (and Piper the dog) have done a fantastic job of creating a video travelogue of most of the rides in Nelson.

Tommorrow I run north on the BNR trail up paper bag and back down Svoboda road. If you want to come send me a e-mail.....